Tuesday 21 July 2020

A Letter To 2005 Version of Self

Do you ever feel like you have the potential to do great things with your life, but just aren’t sure how to start? I know that feeling very well, as it’s taken me years of reflection to figure out what activities make me feel happy and fulfilled. I hope this exercise will give you a gentle shove in the right direction. Simply answer the following questions as per your story to unlock your potential, cheers!

If I could write a letter to the 2005 version of myself, what would it say?

Let’s pretend that you are living in the future and have been handed the opportunity to write a letter to the 2005 version of yourself. I’m not going to offer you any further direction as I feel this exercise will be more powerful if I don’t lead you one way or another, but just in case you’re curious, here’s what I would say to the 2005 (20 years old) version of myself:

Dear Just crossed Teenage Ushas,

You’re feeling a bit nervous right now, but take a deep breath and do the scary thing, because it’ll be worth it. I know the idea of getting on a stage and performing a music concert in front of everybody makes you feel like fainting, but you’re going to walk away more confident and comfortable in who you are.

Also, congrats on that 30 pounds you lost gaining to avoid so much of physical exercises, but a word of warning: you’re going to go to office where there is a buffet of addictions available 24/7, which is known to eat away your feelings, and gain every bit of that even more. To save yourself a lot of trouble, I would recommend writing about what you’re dealing with so you can cope with things in a positive way. But hey, even if you don’t, it’s okay, because later you’re going to discover that lifting weights is awesome, to get super strong/built, so no big deal.

Never stop dreaming big, no matter what other people say and think. Yes, listen to feedback from others, but don’t get caught up in any negative opinions that aren’t accompanied with positive input; because without that, it’s a waste of your time.

Oh, I almost forgot… In a couple years, someone is going to offer you your first shot of tequila at a office party. Just because you feel “okay” after that first shot does not mean you should immediately drink four more. I know you’re still young-and-innocent, but just trust me on this one, it’s a very bad idea. In future you might have a wrong conception about your intake alcoholic consumtion. A full of joyride is waiting for you, where you are sure to fall behind! Welcome to the Hell, to survive...

❤ Be great FiGHTER, cheers!

-Ushas from the Future

If you’re feeling brave, tell us what your letter would say in the comments! 


#LearningWithUshas #MindCoach 

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