Thursday 19 December 2019

ForGIVE & FORget...

ForGIVE & FORget:-

When you think about a #GENERATION, ask yourself this, did you BENEFIT or SUFFER from their actions?
Hopefully, you answered #benefit! If you have one GOAL it should be to set good VALUES for the generations to come. Together we can provide BETTER by doing better one day at a time.
Take a moment & ask yourself this, is there someone in your life who you need to #FORGIVE or someone that you need to be #FORGIVEN by?
Most likely the answer is yes. Take today to forgive that person or reach out to be forgiven so you can free yourself and others of that WEIGHT.
For all of us who have been #WOUNDED by other and #STRUGGLED to understand and move beyond our feelings of HURT and ANGER, where forgiveness shows that it is possible to heal our PAINs and find room in our hearts to forgive, cheers!

#SelfDevelopment #Motivation #MindsetBuilding #SuccessPrinciples

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