Saturday 17 August 2019

If SITUTION needs We need to CHANGE It...

It’s Friday and I better not hear you singing that Thank God It’s Friday song! When I was in the 9-5 grind, I was singing it a lot until I realized that, it was actually keeping me stuck years and years later in the same place with the same attitude and the same old song.
There are two songs you may hear being played out during the week. One is, "Thank God It's Friday" and the other is "I Can't Believe It's Monday Already". If you have been singing either of these songs, then you are potentially living a life that is not of your desire. You are living it for someone else. Of course, you gotta eat, bills must be paid and you have to have a roof over your head & blah blah blah... I understand, and for years I said the same things all while being unfulfilled, stuck, frustrated and afraid to make necessary changes to improve my situation.
You can certainly live a life that you truly desire to live but it requires a willingness to not stay in the parade or marching band of the many who refuse to change their tones toward themselves and their current situations. Situations do not change until we make our own necessary responses and changes to the situations. Complaining will always provide you with the resources for more complaining. DO SOMETHING different with your actions. What do you need to change to avoid the Monday drama and the Friday soap opera? Everyday should be a day you desire even if it has some challenges. It’s time to Chin Up and make some changes #FiGHTERs. Only you can CHANGE your situation, no one else can't, cheers!


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