Saturday, 29 June 2019

Have Patience with Persistence... then work for your Passion!!!

The easier route. In today’s society it is all about immediate results. People have become so accustomed to getting what they want so fast through the internet that the words “patience and persistence” have seemed to be deleted from their vocabulary.

It is to no astonishment why anxiety has risen to alarming heights within the 21st century. We are wanting the next thing so quickly that we are forgetting the now, the present moment which is the most important. On the road and journey of creating the kind of life you truly desire, the need it now fix, will not work for you and must be tamed.

Changes require the the flexibility and understanding of time. Many will try to go against this rule taking immoral short cuts and misuse people along the way to get somewhere faster. They may get there faster but will end up with inevitable failure alot sooner! Succeeding takes time and it is not what you have but who you become along the way that truly matters.

Earn your stripes Winners!! Earn them the honest and appropriate way. Do what is challenging and do it to your best abilities. With this the strength of patience, resilience and moral confidence will provide you with more than enough success through the experience that will take you far an beyond to your next opportunities. Integrity is the name of life’s game. Play the game honestly and winning will be in your best interest. Have belief, I know You can, cause You've GREATNESS within, cheers!


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Saturday, 22 June 2019

Wish You Happy Weekend!

It’s the weekend for many, but when you are in pursuit of your idea, vision and dream there is no ending to your actions. Success is something you attract by being in motion of becoming the person to experience it. Yeah, it’s Saturday! And so… What does that mean for your Success? It’s another opportunity to attack those goals. If you keep attacking your goals the dream will have to surrender. It is the law of nature. We get out what we put in.

What are you putting in this weekend, with your energy, your time and your concentration? You can still have fun but there is a time when even the child puts away their toys and they are off to something more interesting. Don’t lose that interest about creating your kind of life and making some constructive changes that can bring you the peace of mind of a lifetime. If you want to get out of the rut or furrow of being stuck, start with uprooting yourself from the excuse of it’s “the weekend” I can just relax and do nothing challenging, till you are at deathbed...

We need to work harder on the weekends, need to dream of when we'll be reaching to a position where we all can be saying such words, i.e "I have worked harder in my 9-5 & that is the reason now that I don’t have to wait for my weekends, everyday belongs to my time clock." Success has no days off! I know You Can Do that Happen!
I Believe the Champion in You, You've GREATNESS within, cheers!


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Thursday, 20 June 2019

Why People Getting Behind Luck!!

Do you believe in luck, fate or chance? Millions across the world do and I use to be one of them years ago! I would hope for this, wish for that and beg fate to be gracious to me and give me something I did not earn. I love what E. Nightingale said about luck. In his words, “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity”. This is a profound statement, and many have been using this same statement and you will see why they believe and use it. Their lifestyles reflect it! Opportunity is all around else Winners just waiting for someone to notice them.

But if you haven’t taken the time to fully prepare yourself, well those opportunities will go unnoticed and even misused.
Are you preparing for a lucky hand at life? Many do! Although a small fraction may receive a so-called lucky hand, it goes away just as quickly as it came in. To have something we must prepare ourselves to administer it and use it appropriately now. Let’s use money for this example. You have money now! Are you using it correctly? Do you feel good about what you have? Do you see it as a tool to use for more things or just as a survival kit?

I used to feel that money was hard to come by and only the ill mannered or less humane people had a lot of it, with a few exceptions.. I was so wrong!! Money does not change or create people; it only amplifies who they already are and the thoughts they secretly harbor with themselves! If you are waiting on it for the reason of saving your life or creating one for you, I encourage you to re-think that strategy.

Don’t wait on luck or money. Prepare yourself now by administering what you currently have. Feel good about what you have I know that you and only you can place yourself in the winning position to earn more through your services! I Believe the Champion in You, You've GREATNESS within, cheers!


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Friday, 7 June 2019


#Reach your Trarget
*10 Best Sales Tips on What it Takes to Be a Great Salesperson*

I’m asked frequently, “What does it take to become a great salesperson?”  Contrary to what most people believe, becoming a great salesperson is not as much about what you sell as it is about who you are.

To help you become a great salesperson, I’ve listed below my 10 best (or you can read my favourite) sales tips I feel everyone in sales needs to embrace if they want to move to the top of the food chain.

You may think you’re successful already, but is it because of your skills or what you sell? Just because you have a hot product everyone wants and you’re closing deals like crazy, don’t go thinking you’re a great salesperson.

Arrogance is a disease and the result of arrogance is a failure to see the real world.

Sales is a great profession. Each year I’m in sales, I become more passionate about it.  The reason my passion increases is I see it as being all about helping others. Sure, the financial rewards can be great, but that’s only a numeric scorecard.

The real reward is when you help others achieve something they didn’t think was possible.  Regardless of what you sell, it’s about helping others & achieving something. For me that is the sole reason I get jazzed about doing what I do.

You ask, “What does it take to become a great salesperson?”

Here’s my list of the 10 best tips you need to focus on if(as I'm doing it each day) you want to become a great salesperson.  As you read the list, you’ll notice the word “passion” is not on the list. The reason is simple — passion is an outcome of what I believe will happen when you commit yourself to the 10 things listed.

1. Personal Discipline

This means having a plan and sticking to it. Sales is a game of consistency. You have to be able to remain focused on your objectives in both good times and bad times.

2. Repeat

One of the biggest things salespeople fail to do is follow-up and follow-through on what they say they’re going to do. This is not only key in nurturing customers, but also in staying committed during the prospecting phase.  The customer isn’t going to wait for you. It’s up to you reach them.

3. It’s about the Customer. It’s NOT about You.

Customers don’t care about you. They have their own problems and that’s what they want help handling. When we remove from our mindset our pride and shift to thinking about the customer, it’s amazing the insights we’ll develop.

4. Leverage Your Personality

Sales is a people business, and when we allow our personality to come through, it’s amazing how much better we connect with others.

5. Ask Great Questions

We’ll become far more respected based on the questions we ask rather than on the information we share.  We’re not going to find out the customer’s needs if we’re doing all the talking. It’s a simple concept, yet overlooked far too often.

6. Value Your Time

The most valuable asset we have is our time, and how we choose to use it determines our results. We will never become the best we can be if we’re spending our time focused on non-productive activities.

7. Never Stop Learning

The smart people are smart because they know they have to continually be learning. An objective I’ve had for years is to learn something new each day.

8. Have Mentors and Peers

We become a product of our environment. Successful people associate with successful people.   This might mean there are people from whom you need to disconnect, but doing so will change your environment and your thinking for the better.

9. Personal Ownership

It’s not someone else’s fault.  That’s what low performers think, and it’s even an excuse average performers use.  Customers don’t want to do business with people who blame others. They want to do business with people who take ownership and make it happen.

10. Integrity and Trust

I list this last for a reason. To me this is the most important one of the 10 and the one that must be the foundation from which the other nine are built on.  When we live a life of integrity and trust, we have no regrets. We have a sense of peace others will see.  Integrity and trust are two things everyone will say they have, yet I believe these qualities are only valid if we see them in how they live.

There you have it! My favourite list of the 10 best sales tips to becoming a great salesperson.

I want you to study the list. Think through how you will apply the list and then go out and live the list.  When you do, I know you will achieve results far greater than you’re achieving now.

A coach can help you excel in your sales career! Invest in yourself by checking out my coaching program today by connecting me, cheers!
